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Shark Water

(2006) - This documentary explores the importance of sharks in the ocean ecosystem and the impact of shark hunting.

The End Of The Line

(2009) - This documentary examines the impact of overfishing on the world's oceans

Blue Planet 2

(2017) - This documentary series explores the world's oceans and the creatures that live in them.

The Cove

(2009) - This documentary follows a group of activists as they attempt to expose the dolphin hunting industry in Japan.

The 11th hour

(2007) - This documentary examines the impact of human activity on the planet and the steps that can be taken to mitigate it.

The Last Ocean

(2012) - This documentary examines the impact of commercial fishing on the Ross Sea, the last intact marine ecosystem on Earth.

vision of our library

Learning requires not only reading but also enjoyment, so we have taken a step towards enjoyment on our own web page. Join us to increase your knowledge with us.

Chasing Coral

(2017) - This documentary explores the impact of climate change on coral reefs around the world.

Sea of Shadows

(2019) - This documentary follows a group of scientists, journalists, and activists as they attempt to save the vaquita, the world's smallest whale, from extinction.


(2013) - This documentary examines the treatment of killer whales in captivity and the dangers they pose to their trainers.

Before The Flood

(2016) - This documentary follows actor Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the impact of climate change on the planet.

Kiss The Ground

(2020) - This documentary explores the role of soil in mitigating climate change.


(2019) - This documentary explores the solutions to climate change that are available today.